Inspired by the Vision of Catherine McAuley, Holy Family School, through a holistic approach, aspires to achieve the full potential of each student, with particular concern for those who are disadvantaged and marginalized. Underpinning this is the Catholic ethos based on truth, justice, tolerance, respect, self-worth and a sense of oneness with the entire Cosmos.

School starts at 9.00am. We accept pupils onto the premises from 8.50am and they are supervised in the school yard.
2nd, 3rd and 4th classes
Sos: 10.45am – 10.55am
Lunch: 1.10pm – 1.45pm
5th and 6th classes
Sos: 10.45am – 10.55am
Lunch: 12.30pm – 1.05pm
Finish: All Classes 2.45pm

Our school uniform has recently been reviewed.
School Tracksuit Uniform
- navy tracksuit bottoms
- blue top with crest
- white polo shirt
The new blue zipped tracksuit top with crest is available to purchase from McCannons, The Market, Ennis. The old blue jumper is equally as acceptable to wear.
The navy tracksuit bottoms (no leggings), and white polo shirt can be bought in a shop of your choice. Please ensure that there are no logos visible on the navy tracksuit bottoms and white polo shirt.
Regular attendance by pupils at school is key to educational attainment and success and is actively encouraged within the school environment. Holy Family Senior School aims to foster a culture of regular attendance at school for all pupils. Pupils are rewarded for excellent and improved attendance at regular intervals throughout the year. In the event of child absences, parents are asked to communicate these via the Aladdin app, by putting a note in the homework journal or by telephoning the school office.

Education is a partnership between teachers and parents and Holy Family Junior School is committed to fostering positive links between home and school, to ensure that the best educational experiences are offered to all our pupils. We have two home /school liaison teachers, Darryl Eade and Orla Gannon, who work with parents and will be in contact with you during your time here with us in Holy Family Senior School.
Home School Community Liaison Coordinators Contact Details
Darryl Eade: Phone: 086 6040686; Email: darryl.eade@hfss.ie
Orla Gannon: Phone: 086 6040686; Email: orla.gannon@hfss.ie
A school newsletter is regularly sent on the Aladdin Connect App to all families to inform parents and guardians of school news and events. Please check your Aladdin App regularly!
We also use the Aladdin App to send text messages and emails for any general school updates. It is vitally important that we have your correct mobile number and email address on file.
Please inform the school if your number or email address changes.
Homework provides a link between home and school and reinforces what has been done in the classroom. Homework is given Monday to Thursday and should be a positive experience for both the child and the parent. Every child is expected to complete the homework assigned to him/her and parents are asked to sign the homework journal every night. The front of the homework journal provides parents with important school information. It is also used as a means of communication between parents and school, so parents are encouraged to check it daily. If your child is experiencing difficulties with homework, please contact the class teacher.